Sunday, January 15, 2012

Freaking myself out

I freaked myself out today. I was reading in "What to Expect" that not taking thyroid hormone replacement during your first trimester can cause miscarriages and brain damage. I've never been good at taking pills every day and up until I found out I was pregnant, I would go several days without taking it, then I'd be good and take it every day, and then skip a day. It wasn't on purpose, it's just really hard to remember to take it first thing in the morning. I called my primary care doctor on the day I got the positive test and set up an appointment with him to go over my thyroid. He called in a new prescription of a much higher dose and I've been taking it religiously since Tuesday morning. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow to find out where I stand on my thyroid, I'm really hoping for good news.
On top of being freaked out about this, I noticed I was peeing a lot less today and I haven't been feeling abdominal twinges like I have for the past week, so of course my mind started wandering and that's never a good thing. I took a big long nap and since then, I've been nauseated and feeling really warm. I don't have a fever, but Jason researched and found that pregnancy hormones are going to make me feel hot.

I'm crossing my fingers for a good appointment tomorrow, and I see my OB on Tuesday, I can't wait!


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