I was messing around online today, jumping from blog to blog, reading DIY stuff and I came across a web designer. Her work is really beautiful and she specializes in making e-commerce websites, (ie: Websites with shopping carts, etc.) Even though I wasn't really looking for a web designer, I emailed her for a quote. We talked a little about what I was looking for and she quoted me $5000. Seriously? 5k? Is that normal? And she would just be building the site, I'd have to add my own content and maintain it myself. Considering the timeline I was given, that estimates approx $83.00 an hour. That seems high. Am I being unreasonable?
Well, I'm glad I didn't have my heart set on it anyway.
In other news, I've learned the importance of stretching before and after work outs. I could feel my calf muscles tightening up last night, I felt like I was going to get a charlie horse. It woke me up several times during the night, then I woke up this morning and I can barely stand up straight. I'm incredibly sore! I decided to skip working out today and focus on house work instead. It's now 7:30 and I'm just going to get some sleep because I don't want to deal with this pain anymore. I'm seriously considering an ice bath.
Tomorrow: Root Canal. Oh Joy.
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